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Found on in a sentence

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Sentence count:249Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: undonefoundfoundedfounderconfoundprofoundunfoundeddumbfound
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61. The sculpture is made from objects he found on beaches in Mexico.
62. Adam finally turned the icon over and found on the back a small silver crown inlaid in the wood.
63. Keys found on the person of Janet Iverson included one fitting the lock on the door to the alley.
64. In 1951, some nesting burrows, occupied, were found on islets near Castle Roads.
65. Despite the continuing decline in the workforce there has not been a corresponding reduction in the number of tractors found on farms.
66. No drugs were found on Guiding Lights but two extremely clever concealments were uncovered.
67. Much fine sculpture of the period has been found on Paros and Naxos as well as other islands, especially kouroi and korai.
68. Species of both genera are frequently found on gorgonians and corals.
69. The white dust often found on the casing of salami is bacterial and usually contributes to the flavour of the sausage.
70. Lapointe had been shot, and there was no gun found on the other lieutenant, Lefevre.
71. More like-minded people can be found on other Web sites.
72. His mutilated body was found on a railway embankment in Walton last Sunday.
73. A few miles away at Ness Point near Lowestoft(, the body of a man wasa found on the seashore.
74. The skeletons found on this site were buried in unorthodox manner and might have been plague victims.
75. A chancre is also sometimes found on the cervix and rarely on the vaginal wall.
76. Other racial graffiti has been found on campus as well.
77. Grey seals prefer rocky, exposed sites, while common seals prefer more sheltered areas and are frequently found on sandbanks.
78. Hot, hydrothermally altered ground and relatively weak fumaroles, but no active hot springs, are found on these volcanoes.
79. This selection of carbonated and still waters cam be found on most supermarket shelves.
80. Traces of radioactive contamination were found on the flask when it was being washed after arrival.
81. Food is to be found on the farmland all around and so the herds help themselves.
82. They used her shoulder-bag and the satchel Travis had found on the plane to pack them in.
83. The old gallery will be found on the first floor of the house; previously on an outside wall facing East.
84. The justification for an involvement in partnership can readily be found on philosophical grounds about which there is little dispute.
85. The authorities will confiscate firearms found on a boat or plane if the owner cannot show proof of US licensing.
86. In an effort to boost club funds,[ on.html] a small tent will soon be found on the far side of the ground.
87. Take the third turning on the right into Dene Road where number 86 can be found on the left hand side.
88. His body, with multiple injuries, was found on a railway line two days later.
89. Colonoscopy showed over 100 adenomatous polyps, but no carcinoma was found on removal of the colon and rectum.
90. The police are investigating the puzzling death of a man found on the freeway.
More similar words: undonefoundfoundedfounderconfoundprofoundunfoundeddumbfoundprofoundlyconfoundedfoundationdumbfoundedround offsound offfounding fatherfoundation stoneround and roundundergroundhand onoff and onabandoncondoneon and ontendonabandoneddepend onattend onabandonmentfountainundo
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